3 December 2013

Logos and drawings

I've wanted for a long time try design some kind of Logo for my Black Swans.
Keeping it simple and also making look good is hard, somehow I also would like to have own coat of arms for them. (That I'm definitely going to design someday soom!)

so my to-do wish list is

  • Logo
  • Watermark (have "Martza" in it)
  • Coat of arms
  • Business card
Here is some my old ones and tests~
Logo test, cute and simple~
My first watermark test, but sadly it's not clear enough to see

My newest watermark test, just have to think if I can make my name to fit prettily
this is something I've wanted try for a long time
My first try to design a business card :D

Here is link if you want give a try design own business card, I liked page a lot, inspiring :3

And here some more drawings~
Chibi swan, I wanted try new style in this~
Kabin and Denka in swan form

progress picture

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